Sunday, May 30, 2010

Multiple Private Keys in a GlassFish

Multiple Private Keys in a GlassFish domain
GlassFish uses Java JKS for storing keys and certificates. Out of the box, the keyStore (keystore.jks) and the trustStore (cacerts.jks) reside in $GLASSFISH_HOME/domains/domain1. Even though there are several CA root certificates in cacerts.jks, there is only one private key in keystore.jks.

GlassFish supports the use of multiple private keys in a given domains. For instance, you may have two https listeners having different server private keys. This is a very useful scenario especially when one have EC key. So, in a given domain, we can have one https listener using RSA key for normal browser and one https listener using EC key for PDA.

In this blog, we will discuss the configuration when there are multiple private keys in a given domain of GlassFish. In this case, one needs to specify the private key / certificate to be used for SSL communication. If the information is not specified, then the server will pick up one which may not be desirable. Since one wants to be more precise in security environment, one would like to specify the corresponding certificate nickname in order to pick up the correct key.

There are two kinds of certificate nicknames: inbound, https outbound.

Inbound Certificate Nickname

One needs to specify the inbound cert-nickname for a given listener in domain.xml. For instance, in http listener, it is as follows:


Instead of hand-crafting the domain.xml, it would be a good idea to use Admin Console as follows: Configuration > HTTP Services > Http listeners > http-listener-2, and choose SSL tab and enter the valid alias value you want in "Certificate Nickname" textbox. Then one needs to restart the given domain (if there is a change of certificate nickname) in order to activate the change.

Similarly for iiop listeners.

Https Outbound Certificate Nickname

GlassFish also supports the https outbound from server. A private key / certificate is used for https outbound mutual SSL authentication. In this case, we can specify the https outbound certificate nickname as jvm-options in domain.xml:

One can achieve this through Admin Console as follows: Application Server > JVM Settings > JVM Options > Add JVM option, and enter the above jvm option in the new textbox. Then one needs to restart the server in order to activate this change.

Delete certificate - Keytool

Deleting a Certificate Using the keytool Utility
To delete an existing certificate, use the keytool -delete command, for example:

keytool -delete -alias keyAlias -keystore keystore-name -storepass password

Sign a digital certificate using the keytool utility

To sign a digital certificate using the keytool utility
After creating a digital certificate, the owner must sign it to prevent forgery. E-commerce sites, or those for which authentication of identity is important can purchase a certificate from a well-known Certificate Authority (CA). If authentication is not a concern, for example if private secure communications is all that is required, save the time and expense involved in obtaining a CA certificate and use a self-signed certificate.

Follow the instructions on the CA’s Web site for generating certificate key pairs.

Download the generated certificate key pair.

Save the certificate in the directory containing the keystore and truststore files, by default domain-dir/config directory. See To change the location of certificate files.

In your shell, change to the directory containing the certificate.

Use keytool to import the certificate into the local keystore and, if necessary, the local truststore.

keytool -import -v -trustcacerts -alias keyAlias -file server.cer -keystore cacerts.jks -keypass changeit -storepass changeit
If the keystore or private key password is not the default password, then substitute the new password for changeit in the above command.

Restart the Application Server.

Generate a certificate using the keytool utility

To generate a certificate using the keytool utility
Use keytool to generate, import, and export certificates. By default, keytool creates a keystore file in the directory where it is run.

Change to the directory where the certificate is to be run.

Always generate the certificate in the directory containing the keystore and truststore files, by default domain-dir/config. For information on changing the location of these files, see To change the location of certificate files.

Enter the following keytool command to generate the certificate in the keystore file, keystore.jks:

keytool -genkey -alias keyAlias -keyalg RSA -keypass changeit -storepass changeit -keystore keystore.jks
Use any unique name as your keyAlias. If you have changed the keystore or private key password from their default, then substitute the new password for changeit in the above command.

A prompt appears that asks for your name, organization, and other information that keytool uses to generate the certificate.

Enter the following keytool command to export the generated certificate to the file server.cer (or client.cer if you prefer):

keytool -export -alias keyAlias-storepass changeit
-file server.cer
-keystore keystore.jks
If a certificate signed by a certificate authority is required, see To sign a digital certificate using the keytool utility.

To create the truststore file cacerts.jks and add the certificate to the truststore, enter the following keytool command:

keytool -import -v -trustcacerts -alias keyAlias -file server.cer -keystore cacerts.jks -keypass changeit
If you have changed the keystore or private key password from their default, then substitute the new password for changeit in the above command.

The tool displays information about the certificate and prompts whether you want to trust the certificate.

Type yes, then press Enter.

Then keytool displays something like this:

Certificate was added to keystore [Saving cacerts.jks]
Restart the Application Server.

Installing and Configuring SSL Support & XML and Web Services Security

Installing and Configuring SSL Support
What Is Secure Socket Layer Technology?
Secure Socket Layer (SSL) technology allows web browsers and web servers to communicate over a secure connection. In this secure connection, the data that is being sent is encrypted before being sent and then is decrypted upon receipt and before processing. Both the browser and the server encrypt all traffic before sending any data. SSL addresses the following important security considerations.
• Authentication: During your initial attempt to communicate with a web server over a secure connection, that server will present your web browser with a set of credentials in the form of a server certificate. The purpose of the certificate is to verify that the site is who and what it claims to be. In some cases, the server may request a certificate that the client is who and what it claims to be (which is known as client authentication).
• Confidentiality: When data is being passed between the client and the server on a network, third parties can view and intercept this data. SSL responses are encrypted so that the data cannot be deciphered by the third party and the data remains confidential.
• Integrity: When data is being passed between the client and the server on a network, third parties can view and intercept this data. SSL helps guarantee that the data will not be modified in transit by that third party.
To install and configure SSL support on your stand-alone web server, you need the following components. SSL support is already provided if you are using the Application Server. If you are using a different web server, consult the documentation for your product.
• A server certificate keystore (see Understanding Digital Certificates).
• An HTTPS connector (see Using SSL).
To verify that SSL support is enabled, see Verifying SSL Support.
Understanding Digital Certificates
Note: Digital certificates for the Application Server have already been generated and can be found in the directory /domains/domain1/config/. These digital certificates are self-signed and are intended for use in a development environment; they are not intended for production purposes. For production purposes, generate your own certificates and have them signed by a CA.
To use SSL, an application server must have an associated certificate for each external interface, or IP address, that accepts secure connections. The theory behind this design is that a server should provide some kind of reasonable assurance that its owner is who you think it is, particularly before receiving any sensitive information. It may be useful to think of a certificate as a "digital driver's license" for an Internet address. It states with which company the site is associated, along with some basic contact information about the site owner or administrator.
The digital certificate is cryptographically signed by its owner and is difficult for anyone else to forge. For sites involved in e-commerce or in any other business transaction in which authentication of identity is important, a certificate can be purchased from a well-known certificate authority (CA) such as VeriSign or Thawte.
Sometimes authentication is not really a concern--for example, an administrator may simply want to ensure that data being transmitted and received by the server is private and cannot be snooped by anyone eavesdropping on the connection. In such cases, you can save the time and expense involved in obtaining a CA certificate and simply use a self-signed certificate.
SSL uses public key cryptography, which is based on key pairs. Key pairs contain one public key and one private key. If data is encrypted with one key, it can be decrypted only with the other key of the pair. This property is fundamental to establishing trust and privacy in transactions. For example, using SSL, the server computes a value and encrypts the value using its private key. The encrypted value is called a digital signature. The client decrypts the encrypted value using the server's public key and compares the value to its own computed value. If the two values match, the client can trust that the signature is authentic, because only the private key could have been used to produce such a signature.
Digital certificates are used with the HTTPS protocol to authenticate web clients. The HTTPS service of most web servers will not run unless a digital certificate has been installed. Use the procedure outlined later to set up a digital certificate that can be used by your web server to enable SSL.
One tool that can be used to set up a digital certificate is keytool, a key and certificate management utility that ships with the J2SE SDK. It enables users to administer their own public/private key pairs and associated certificates for use in self-authentication (where the user authenticates himself or herself to other users or services) or data integrity and authentication services, using digital signatures. It also allows users to cache the public keys (in the form of certificates) of their communicating peers. For a better understanding of keytool and public key cryptography, read the keytool documentation at the following URL:
Creating a Server Certificate
A server certificate has already been created for the Application Server. The certificate can be found in the /domains/domain1/config/ directory. The server certificate is in keystore.jks. Thecacerts.jks file contains all the trusted certificates, including client certificates.
If necessary, you can use keytool to generate certificates. The keytool stores the keys and certificates in a file termed a keystore, a repository of certificates used for identifying a client or a server. Typically, a keystore contains one client or one server's identity. The default keystore implementation implements the keystore as a file. It protects private keys by using a password.
The keystores are created in the directory from which you run keytool. This can be the directory where the application resides, or it can be a directory common to many applications. If you don't specify the keystore file name, the keystores are created in the user's home directory.
To create a server certificate follow these steps:
1. Create the keystore.
2. Export the certificate from the keystore.
3. Sign the certificate.
4. Import the certificate into a trust-store: a repository of certificates used for verifying the certificates. A trust-store typically contains more than one certificate. An example using a trust-store for SSL-based mutual authentication is discussed in Example: Client-Certificate Authentication over HTTP/SSL with JAX-RPC.
Run keytool to generate the server keystore, which we will name keystore.jks. This step uses the alias server-alias to generate a new public/private key pair and wrap the public key into a self-signed certificate inside keystore.jks. The key pair is generated using an algorithm of type RSA, with a default password of changeit. For more information on keytool options, see its online help at
Note: RSA is public-key encryption technology developed by RSA Data Security, Inc. The acronym stands for Rivest, Shamir, and Adelman, the inventors of the technology.
From the directory in which you want to create the keystore, run keytool with the following parameters.
1. Generate the server certificate.
\bin\keytool -genkey -alias server-alias
-keyalg RSA -keypass changeit -storepass changeit
-keystore keystore.jks
When you press Enter, keytool prompts you to enter the server name, organizational unit, organization, locality, state, and country code. Note that you must enter the server name in response to keytool'sfirst prompt, in which it asks for first and last names. For testing purposes, this can be localhost. The host specified in the keystore must match the host identified in the host variable specified in the/j2eetutorial14/examples/common/ when running the example applications.
2. Export the generated server certificate in keystore.jks into the file server.cer.
\bin\keytool -export -alias server-alias
-storepass changeit -file server.cer -keystore keystore.jks
3. If you want to have the certificate signed by a CA, read Signing Digital Certificates for more information.
4. To create the trust-store file cacerts.jks and add the server certificate to the trust-store, run keytool from the directory where you created the keystore and server certificate. Use the following parameters:
\bin\keytool -import -v -trustcacerts
-alias server-alias -file server.cer
-keystore cacerts.jks -keypass changeit
-storepass changeit
Information on the certificate, such as that shown next, will display.
/j2eetutorial14/examples/gs 60% keytool -import
-v -trustcacerts -alias server-alias -file server.cer
-keystore cacerts.jks -keypass changeit -storepass changeit
Owner: CN=localhost, OU=Sun Micro, O=Docs, L=Santa Clara, ST=CA, C=US
Issuer: CN=localhost, OU=Sun Micro, O=Docs, L=Santa Clara, ST=CA, C=US
Serial number: 3e932169
Valid from: Tue Apr 08
Certificate fingerprints:
MD5: 52:9F:49:68:ED:78:6F:39:87:F3:98:B3:6A:6B:0F:90
SHA1: EE:2E:2A:A6:9E:03:9A:3A:1C:17:4A:28:5E:97:20:78:3F:
Trust this certificate? [no]:
5. Enter yes, and then press the Enter or Return key. The following information displays:
Certificate was added to keystore
[Saving cacerts.jks]
Signing Digital Certificates
After you've created a digital certificate, you will want to have it signed by its owner. After the digital certificate has been cryptographically signed by its owner, it is difficult for anyone else to forge. For sites involved in e-commerce or any other business transaction in which authentication of identity is important, a certificate can be purchased from a well-known certificate authority such as VeriSign or Thawte.
As mentioned earlier, if authentication is not really a concern, you can save the time and expense involved in obtaining a CA certificate and simply use the self-signed certificate.
Using a Different Server Certificate with the Application Server
Follow the steps in Creating a Server Certificate, to create your own server certificate, have it signed by a CA, and import the certificate into keystore.jks.
Make sure that when you create the certificate, you follow these rules:
• When you press create the server certificate, keytool prompts you to enter your first and last name. In response to this prompt, you must enter the name of your server. For testing purposes, this can belocalhost.
• The server/host specified in the keystore must match the host identified in the host variable specified in the /j2eetutorial14/examples/common/ file for running the example applications.
• Your key/certificate password in keystore.jks should match the password of your keystore, keystore.jks. This is a bug. If there is a mismatch, the Java SDK cannot read the certificate and you get a "tampered" message.
• If you want to replace the existing keystore.jks, you must either change your keystore's password to the default password (changeit) or change the default password to your keystore's password:
To specify that the Application Server should use the new keystore for authentication and authorization decisions, you must set the JVM options for the Application Server so that they recognize the new keystore. To use a different keystore than the one provided for development purposes, follow these steps.
1. Start the Application Server if you haven't already done so. Information on starting the Application Server can be found in Starting and Stopping the Application Server.
2. Start the Admin Console. Information on starting the Admin Console can be found in Starting the Admin Console.
3. Select Application Server in the Admin Console tree.
4. Select the JVM Settings tab.
5. Select the JVM Options tab.
6. Change the following JVM options so that they point to the location and name of the new keystore. There current settings are shown below:${com.sun.aas.instanceRoot}/config/keystore.jks${com.sun.aas.instanceRoot}/config/cacerts.jks
7. If you've changed the keystore password from its default value, you need to add the password option as well:
8. Logout of the Admin Console and restart the Application Server.
Creating a Client Certificate for Mutual Authentication
This section discusses setting up client-side authentication. When both server-side and client-side authentication are enabled, it is called mutual, or two-way, authentication. In client authentication, clients are required to submit certificates that are issued by a certificate authority that you choose to accept. From the directory where you want to create the client certificate, run keytool as outlined here. When you press Enter,keytool prompts you to enter the server name, organizational unit, organization, locality, state, and country code.
Note: You must enter the server name in response to keytool's first prompt, in which it asks for first and last names. For testing purposes, this can be localhost. The host specified in the keystore must match the host identified in the host variable specified in the /j2eetutorial14/examples/common/ file. If this example is to verify mutual authentication and you receive a runtime error stating that the HTTPS host name is wrong, re-create the client certificate, being sure to use the same host name that you will use when running the example. For example, if your machine name is duke, then enterduke as the certificate CN or when prompted for first and last names. When accessing the application, enter a URL that points to the same location--for example, https://duke:8181/mutualauth/hello. This is necessary because during SSL handshake, the server verifies the client certificate by comparing the certificate name and the host name from which it originates.
To create a keystore named client-keystore.jks that contains a client certificate named client.cer, follow these steps:
1. Generate the client certificate.
\bin\keytool -genkey -alias client-alias -keyalg RSA -keypass changeit
-storepass changeit -keystore keystore.jks
2. Export the generated client certificate into the file client.cer.
\bin\keytool -export -alias client-alias
-storepass changeit -file client.cer -keystore keystore.jks
3. Add the certificate to the trust-store file /domains/domain1/config/cacerts.jks. Run keytool from the directory where you created the keystore and client certificate. Use the following parameters:
\bin\keytool -import -v -trustcacerts
-alias client-alias -file client.cer
-keystore /domains/domain1/config/cacerts.jks
-keypass changeit -storepass changeit
The keytool utility returns this message:
Owner: CN=J2EE Client, OU=Java Web Services, O=Sun, L=Santa Clara, ST=CA, C=US
Issuer: CN=J2EE Client, OU=Java Web Services, O=Sun, L=Santa Clara, ST=CA, C=US
Serial number: 3e39e66a
Valid from: Thu Jan 30 18:58:50 PST 2003 until: Wed Apr 30
19:58:50 PDT 2003
Certificate fingerprints:
MD5: 5A:B0:4C:88:4E:F8:EF:E9:E5:8B:53:BD:D0:AA:8E:5A
Trust this certificate? [no]: yes
Certificate was added to keystore
For an example application that uses mutual authentication, see Example: Client-Certificate Authentication over HTTP/SSL with JAX-RPC. For information on verifying that mutual authentication is running, seeVerifying That Mutual Authentication Is Running.
Miscellaneous Commands for Certificates
To check the contents of a keystore that contains a certificate with an alias server-alias, use this command:
keytool -list -keystore keystore.jks -alias server-alias -v
To check the contents of the cacerts file, use this command:
keytool -list -keystore cacerts.jks
Using SSL
An SSL connector is preconfigured for the Application Server. You do not have to configure anything. If you are working with another application server, see its documentation for setting up its SSL connector.
Verifying SSL Support
For testing purposes, and to verify that SSL support has been correctly installed, load the default introduction page with a URL that connects to the port defined in the server deployment descriptor:
The https in this URL indicates that the browser should be using the SSL protocol. The localhost in this example assumes that you are running the example on your local machine as part of the development process. The 8181 in this example is the secure port that was specified where the SSL connector was created in Using SSL. If you are using a different server or port, modify this value accordingly.
The first time a user loads this application, the New Site Certificate or Security Alert dialog box displays. Select Next to move through the series of dialog boxes, and select Finish when you reach the last dialog box. The certificates will display only the first time. When you accept the certificates, subsequent hits to this site assume that you still trust the content.
Tips on Running SSL
The SSL protocol is designed to be as efficient as securely possible. However, encryption and decryption are computationally expensive processes from a performance standpoint. It is not strictly necessary to run an entire web application over SSL, and it is customary for a developer to decide which pages require a secure connection and which do not. Pages that might require a secure connection include login pages, personal information pages, shopping cart checkouts, or any pages where credit card information could possibly be transmitted. Any page within an application can be requested over a secure socket by simply prefixing the address with https: instead of http:. Any pages that absolutely require a secure connection should check the protocol type associated with the page request and take the appropriate action if https: is not specified.
Using name-based virtual hosts on a secured connection can be problematic. This is a design limitation of the SSL protocol itself. The SSL handshake, where the client browser accepts the server certificate, must occur before the HTTP request is accessed. As a result, the request information containing the virtual host name cannot be determined before authentication, and it is therefore not possible to assign multiple certificates to a single IP address. If all virtual hosts on a single IP address need to authenticate against the same certificate, the addition of multiple virtual hosts should not interfere with normal SSL operations on the server. Be aware, however, that most client browsers will compare the server's domain name against the domain name listed in the certificate, if any (this is applicable primarily to official, CA-signed certificates). If the domain names do not match, these browsers will display a warning to the client. In general, only address-based virtual hosts are commonly used with SSL in a production environment.
Enabling Mutual Authentication over SSL
This section discusses setting up client-side authentication. As mentioned earlier, when both server-side and client-side authentication are enabled, it is called mutual, or two-way, authentication. In client authentication, clients are required to submit certificates that are issued by a certificate authority that you choose to accept. If you regulate it through the application (via the Client-Certificate authentication requirement), the check is performed when the application requires client authentication. You must enter the keystore location and password in the web server configuration file to enable SSL, as discussed in Using SSL.
Here are two ways to enable mutual authentication over SSL:
• PREFERRED: Set the method of authentication to Client-Certificate using deploytool. This enforces mutual authentication by modifying the deployment descriptor of the given application. By enabling client authentication in this way, client authentication is enabled only for a specific resource controlled by the security constraint. Setting client authentication in this way is discussed in Example: Client-Certificate Authentication over HTTP/SSL with JAX-RPC.
• RARELY: Set the clientAuth property in the certificate realm to true. To do this, follow these steps:
a. Start the Application Server if you haven't already done so. Information on starting the Application Server can be found in Starting and Stopping the Application Server.
b. Start the Admin Console. Information on starting the Admin Console can be found in Starting the Admin Console.
c. In the Admin Console tree, expand Configuration, expand Security, then expand Realms, and then select certificate. The certificate realm is used for all transfers over HTTP with SSL.
d. Select Add to add the property of clientAuth to the server. Enter clientAuth in the Name field, and enter true in the Value field.
e. Click Save to save these new properties.
f. Log out of the Admin Console.
When client authentication is enabled in both of these ways, client authentication will be performed twice.
Verifying That Mutual Authentication Is Running
You can verify that mutual authentication is working by obtaining debug messages. This should be done at the client end, and this example shows how to pass a system property in targets.xml so thattargets.xml forks a client with in its system properties, which could be added in a file such as /j2eetutorial14/examples/security/common/targets.xml.
To enable debug messages for SSL mutual authentication, pass the system property,handshake, which will provide information on whether or not mutual authentication is working. The following example modifies the run-mutualauth-client target from the /j2eetutorial14/examples/security/common/targets.xml file by adding sysproperty as shown in bold:
description="Runs a client with mutual authentication over

value="${}" />

XML and Web Services Security
Security can be applied to web services at both the transport-level and the message-level.
In message security, security information travels along with the web services message. WSS in the SOAP layer is the use of XML Encryption and XML Digital Signatures to secure SOAP messages. WSS profiles the use of various security tokens including X.509 certificates, SAML assertions, and username/password tokens to achieve this.
Message layer security differs from transport layer security in that message layer security can be used to decouple message protection from message transport so that messages remain protected after transmission, regardless of how many hops they travel on.
Message-level security is discussed in the following documentation:
• Configuring Message Security chapter of the Application Server Administration Guide. This chapter is for system administrators or others attempting to set up the Application Server for message security.
• Securing Applications chapter of the Application Server Developers' Guide. This chapter is for developers, assemblers, and deployers attempting to implement message security at the application or method level.
Transport-level security is discussed in the following example sections:
• Transport-Level Security
• Example: Basic Authentication with JAX-RPC
• Example: Client-Certificate Authentication over HTTP/SSL with JAX-RPC
Transport-Level Security
Authentication verifies the identity of a user, device, or other entity in a computer system, usually as a prerequisite to allowing access to resources in a system. There are several ways in which this can happen. The following ways are discussed in this section:
One approach is that a user authentication method can be defined for an application in its deployment descriptor. When a user authentication method is specified for an application, the web container activates the specified authentication mechanism when you attempt to access a protected resource. The options for user authentication methods are discussed in Understanding Login Authentication. The example application discussed in Example: Basic Authentication with JAX-RPC shows how to add basic authentication to a JAX-RPC application. The example discussed in Example: Client-Certificate Authentication over HTTP/SSL with JAX-RPC shows how to add client-certificate, or mutual, authentication to a JAX-RPC application.
A second approach is that a transport guarantee can be defined for an application in its deployment descriptor. Use this method to run over an SSL-protected session and ensure that all message content is protected for confidentiality. The options for transport guarantees are discussed in Specifying a Secure Connection. For an example application that demonstrates running over an SSL-protected session, seeExample: Client-Certificate Authentication over HTTP/SSL with JAX-RPC.
When running over an SSL-protected session, the server and client can authenticate one another and negotiate an encryption algorithm and cryptographic keys before the application protocol transmits or receives its first byte of data.
SSL technology allows web browsers and web servers to communicate over a secure connection. In this secure connection, the data is encrypted before being sent, and then is decrypted upon receipt and before processing. Both the browser and the server encrypt all traffic before sending any data. For more information, see What Is Secure Socket Layer Technology?.
Digital certificates are necessary when running HTTP over SSL (HTTPS). The HTTPS service of most web servers will not run unless a digital certificate has been installed. Digital certificates have already been created for the Application Server.
Example: Basic Authentication with JAX-RPC
In this section, we discuss how to configure JAX-RPC-based web service applications for HTTP basic authentication. With HTTP basic authentication, the web server authenticates a user by using the user name and password obtained from the web client. If the topic of authentication is new to you, please refer to the section titled Understanding Login Authentication. For an explanation of how basic authentication works, seeFigure 32-2.
For this tutorial, we begin with the example application in /j2eetutorial14/examples/jaxrpc/staticstub/ and /j2eetutorial14/examples/jaxrpc/helloservice/ and add user name and password authentication. The resulting application can be found in the directories /j2eetutorial14/examples/security/basicauth/ and/j2eetutorial14/examples/security/basicauthclient/.
In general, the following steps are necessary to add basic authentication to a JAX-RPC application. In the example application included with this tutorial, many of these steps have been completed for you and are listed here to show what needs to be done should you wish to create a similar application.
1. Complete the JAX-RPC application as described in Creating a Simple Web Service and Client with JAX-RPC.
2. If the default port value is changed from 8080, see Setting the Port for information on updating the example files to reflect this change. The WAR files mentioned in this tutorial will not work if the port has been changed.
3. Edit the /j2eetutorial14/examples/common/ file and the admin-password.txt file. These files need to be modified because the properties in these file are specific to your installation. See Building the Examples for information on which properties need to be set in which files. While you are looking at these files, note the value entered for admin.user and check the fileadmin-password.txt for the value of the admin password.
4. Add a user with the name that matches the value set in the file (admin) for the admin.user property and a password that matches the value set in the admin-password.txt file for theAS_ADMIN_PASSWORD property to the file realm. Refer to the section Managing Users, for instructions for doing this.
5. Set security properties in the client code. For the example application, this step has been completed. The code for this example is shown in Setting Security Properties in the Client Code.
6. Add the appropriate security elements using deploytool. For this example, the security elements are added in the packaging and deployment phase. Refer to Adding Basic Authentication Using deploytoolfor more information.
7. Build, package, deploy, and run the web service. You will use the asant tool to compile the client and service, and deploytool to package and deploy the service. Instructions for this example can be found inBuilding, Packaging, Deploying, and Running the Example for Basic Authentication.
Setting Security Properties in the Client Code
The source code for the client is in the file of the /j2eetutorial14/examples/security/basicauthclient/src/ directory. For basic authentication, the client code must setusername and password properties. The username and password properties correspond to the admin group (which includes the user name and password combination entered during installation) and the role ofadmin, which is provided in the application deployment descriptor as an authorized role for secure transactions. (See Setting Up Security Roles.)
The client sets the aforementioned security properties as shown in the following code. The code in bold is the code that has been added from the original version of the jaxrpc/staticstub example application.
package basicauthclient;

import javax.xml.rpc.Stub;

public class HelloClient {

public static void main(String[] args) {

if (args.length !=3) {
System.out.println("HelloClient Error: Wrong
number of runtime arguments!");

String username=args[0];
String password=args[1];
String endpointAddress=args[2];

// print to display for verification purposes
System.out.println("username: " + username);
System.out.println("password: " + password);
System.out.println("Endpoint address = " +

try {
Stub stub = createProxy();

HelloIF hello = (HelloIF)stub;
System.out.println(hello.sayHello("Duke (secure)"));
} catch (Exception ex) {

private static Stub createProxy() {
// Note: MyHelloService_Impl is implementation-specific.
return (Stub)(new
Read Static Stub Client for more information about JAX-RPC static stub clients.
Building, Packaging, Deploying, and Running the Example for Basic Authentication
To build, package, deploy, and run the security/basicauth example using basic authentication, follow these steps.
Building the Basic Authentication Service
1. Set up your system for running the tutorial examples if you haven't done so already by following the instructions in Building the Examples.
2. From a terminal window or command prompt, go to the /j2eetutorial14/examples/security/basicauth/ directory.
3. Build the JAX-RPC service by entering the following at the terminal window or command prompt in the basicauth/ directory (this and the following steps that use asant assume that you have the executable for asant in your path; if not, you will need to provide the fully qualified path to the executable). This command runs the target named build in the build.xml file.
asant build
Packaging the Basic Authentication Service
You can package the basic authentication example using asant or deploytool, or you can just open the WAR file located in the /j2eetutorial14/examples/security/provided-wars/basicauth.war file.
To package the example using asant, run the following command from the /basicauth directory:
asant create-war
To package the example using deploytool, follow the steps described in Packaging and Deploying the Service with deploytool and Specifying the Endpoint Address. When following these steps, replace the following:
• The path to the example should be replaced with /j2eetutorial14/examples/security/basicauth/.
• Replace helloservice with basicauth throughout.
• Use /basicauth-jaxrpc for the Context Root field.
Adding Basic Authentication Using deploytool
For HTTP basic authentication, the application deployment descriptor, web.xml, includes the information on who is authorized to access the application, which URL patterns and HTTP methods are protected, and what type of user authentication method this application uses. This information is added to the deployment descriptor using deploytool. Its contents are discussed in more detail in Web-Tier Security and in the Java Servlet specification, which can be browsed or downloaded online at
1. If you packaged the example using deploytool, select the basic authentication example, BasicAuth, in the deploytool tree. If you packaged the example using asant, open the generated WAR file (basicauth.war) in deploytool and then select the basic authentication example.
2. Select the Security tabbed pane.
3. Select Basic in the User Authentication Method field.
4. Select Add Constraints to add a security constraint.
5. Select Add Collections to add a web resource collection.
6. Select the web resource collection from the list, and then select Edit Collections.
7. Select Add URL Pattern. Enter /hello in the text field. Click OK.
8. Select the HTTP GET and POST methods.
9. Click OK to close the Edit Contents dialog box.
10. Select Edit Roles on the Security tabbed pane to specify an authorized role for this application.
11. Click Edit Roles in the Authorized Roles dialog box to add an authorized user to this application. Click Add in the Edit Roles dialog box and add the Name of admin. Click OK to close this dialog box.
12. Select admin under the Roles In field, and then click Add to add it to the list of authorized roles for this application. Click OK to close the dialog box.
Note that the Authorized Roles list specifies admin, a group that was specified during installation. To map this role to a user, follow these steps.
1. Select the General tabbed pane.
2. Click the Sun-specific Settings button.
3. In the Sun-specific Settings dialog box, select User to Role Mappings from the View list.
4. Select admin from the list of roles.
5. Click the Edit button under the Users box.
6. Select admin from the Available Users list, and then click the Add button to map the role of admin (defined for the application) to the user named admin (defined for the Application Server). Click OK.
Note: If you don't see the list of users or groups that you defined using the Admin Console, connect to the Admin Server by double-clicking localhost:4848 in the deploytool tree and entering your admin user name and password. If this is not the current target server, change to this server by selecting it and then selecting File Set Current Target Server.
1. Click Close to return to the General tabbed pane.
2. Select Save from the File menu to save these settings.
Deploying the Basic Authentication Service
To deploy the example using asant, run the following command:
asant deploy-war
To deploy the example using deploytool, follow these steps:
1. Select the BasicAuth application in the deploytool tree. Then select Tools Deploy.
2. Make sure the server is correct, localhost:4848 by default.
3. Enter your admin user name and password.
4. Click OK.
5. Click the Close button after the messages indicating successful completion are finished.
You can view the WSDL file of the deployed service by requesting the URL http://localhost:8080/basicauth-jaxrpc/hello?WSDL in a web browser.
Building and Running the Basic Authentication Client
To build the JAX-RPC client, do the following:
1. Enter the following command at the terminal window or command prompt in the basicauthclient/ directory:
asant build
2. Run the JAX-RPC client by entering the following at the terminal window or command prompt in the basicauthclient/ directory:
asant run
The client should display the following output:
Buildfile: build.xml

[java] username: your_name
[java] password: your_pwd
[java] Endpoint address = http://localhost:8080/basicauth-
[java] Hello Duke (secure)

Example: Client-Certificate Authentication over HTTP/SSL with JAX-RPC
In this section, we discuss how to configure a simple JAX-RPC-based web service application for client-certificate authentication over HTTP/SSL. Client-certificate authentication uses HTTP over SSL, in which the server and, optionally, the client authenticate one another using public key certificates. If the topic of authentication is new to you, please refer to the section titled Understanding Login Authentication. For more information on how client-certificate authentication works, see Figure 32-4.
This example application starts with the example application in /j2eetutorial14/examples/jaxrpc/helloservice/ and adds both client and server authentication to the example. In SSL certificate-based basic authentication, the server presents its certificate to the client, and the client authenticates itself to the server by sending its user name and password. This type of authentication is sometimes called server authentication. Mutual authentication adds the dimension of client authentication. For mutual authentication, we need both the client's identity, as contained in a client certificate, and the server's identity, as contained in a server certificate inside a keystore file (keystore.jks). We also need both of these identities to be contained in a mutual trust-store (cacerts.jks) where they can be verified.
To add mutual authentication to a basic JAX-RPC service, complete the following steps. In the example application included with this tutorial, many of these steps have been completed for you and are listed here to show what needs to be done should you wish to create a similar application.
1. Complete the JAX-RPC application as described in Creating a Simple Web Service and Client with JAX-RPC.
2. Create the appropriate certificates and keystores. For this example, the certificates and keystores are created for the server as a generic localhost and are included with the Application Server. See the section Keystores and Trust-Stores in the Mutual Authentication Example for a discussion of how to create the client certificates for this example.
3. If the port value is changed from the default of localhost:8080, see Setting the Port for information on updating the example files to reflect this change. The WAR files mentioned in this tutorial will not work if the port has been changed.
4. Edit the files to add the location and password to the trust-store, and other properties, as appropriate. For a discussion of the modifications that need to be made to, see Modifying the Build Properties. While you are looking at this file, note the value entered for admin.user. Also note the value for the admin password as specified in the file admin-password.txt in the field AS_ADMIN_PASSWORD.
5. Add a user to the file realm with the name that matches the value set in the file (admin) for the admin.user property and a password that matches the value set in the admin-password.txt file for the AS_ADMIN_PASSWORD property. Refer to the section Managing Users, for instructions for doing this.
6. Set security properties in the client code. For the example application, this step has been completed. For a discussion of the security properties that have been set in HelloClient, see Setting Security Properties in the Client Code.
7. Add the appropriate security elements using deploytool. The security elements are discussed in the section Enabling Client-Certificate Authentication for the Mutual Authentication Example.
8. Build, package, and deploy the service, deploy the server, and then build and run the client (see Building, Packaging, Deploying, and Running the Mutual Authentication Example). You will use the asant tool to compile the client and service and to run the client. You will use deploytool to package and deploy the service.
Keystores and Trust-Stores in the Mutual Authentication Example
In this example, the keystore file (keystore.jks) and the trust-store file (cacerts.jks) have been created for the server as a generic localhost and are included with the Application Server in the directory/domains/domain1/config/. You must follow the instructions in Creating a Client Certificate for Mutual Authentication to create a client certificate and add it to the existing trust-store. You must create the client certificates in the directory /domains/domain1/config/, and you must restart the Application Server for the client certificate to be accessed by the application.
Modifying the Build Properties
To build and run the application with mutual authentication, we have set up the example so that some of the values are passed to the application from various files.
To run any of the examples, you must modify the file located in the /j2eetutorial14/examples/common/ directory to provide your admin password and the location where the Application Server is installed. If you need more information, see Building the Examples.
For this example, the file that is specific to this application, /j2eetutorial14/examples/security/common/, has been modified for you. This file provides specific information about the JAX-RPC examples to the asant targets we will be running later. This information concerns the location of the keystore and trust-store files and their associated passwords.
Make sure that the following properties exist and are correctly defined.${j2ee.home}/domains/domain1/config/cacerts.jks${j2ee.home}/domains/domain1/config/keystore.jks
Setting Security Properties in the Client Code
The source code for the client is in the file of the /j2eetutorial14/examples/security/mutualauthclient/src/ directory. For mutual authentication, the client code must set several security-related properties. These values are passed into the client code when the asant build and run tasks are executed.
• trustStore: The value of the trustStore property is the fully qualified name of the trust-store file: /domains/domain1/config/cacerts.jks.
• trustStorePassword: The trustStorePassword property is the password of the trust-store. The default value of this password is changeit.
• keyStore: The value of the keyStore property is the fully qualified name of the keystore file: /domains/domain1/config/keystore.jks
• keyStorePassword: The keyStorePassword property is the password of the keystore. The default value of this password is changeit.
• ENDPOINT_ADDRESS_PROPERTY: The ENDPOINT_ADDRESS_PROPERTY property sets the endpoint address that the stub uses to access the service.
The client sets the aforementioned security properties as shown in the following code. The code in bold is the code that has been added from the original version of the jaxrpc/staticstub example application.
package mutualauthclient;

import javax.xml.rpc.Stub;

public class HelloClient {

public static void main(String[] args) {

if (args.length !=5) {
System.out.println("HelloClient Error: Need 5
runtime arguments!");

String keyStore=args[0];
String keyStorePassword=args[1];
String trustStore=args[2];
String trustStorePassword=args[3];
String endpointAddress=args[4];

// print to display for verification purposes
System.out.println("keystore: " + keyStore);
System.out.println("keystorePassword: " +
System.out.println("trustStore: " + trustStore);
System.out.println("trustStorePassword: " +
System.out.println("Endpoint address: " +

try {
Stub stub = createProxy();

HelloIF hello = (HelloIF)stub;
System.out.println(hello.sayHello("Duke! ( secure!"));
} catch (Exception ex) {

private static Stub createProxy() {
// Note: MyHelloService_Impl is implementation-specific.
return (Stub)(new
Enabling Client-Certificate Authentication for the Mutual Authentication Example
The two ways of implementing client authentication are discussed in Enabling Mutual Authentication over SSL. You can set client authentication for all applications (by specifying this in the deployment descriptor for the server) or for only a single application (by specifying this in the deployment descriptor for the application). For this example, we are enabling client authentication for this application only, so we specify the login authentication method as being Client-Certificate. The steps for adding client-certificate authentication are shown in Adding Client-Certificate Authentication Using deploytool.
For more information on login configuration options, read Understanding Login Authentication.
The user authentication method specifies a client-certificate method of authentication in this example. For this authentication to run over SSL, you must also specify which type of transport guarantee to use. For this example, we have chosen CONFIDENTIAL, which is specified in the Network Security Requirement field on the Security tabbed pane in deploytool.
For more information on this type of constraint, read Specifying a Secure Connection.
Building, Packaging, Deploying, and Running the Mutual Authentication Example
To build, deploy, and run the JAX-RPC service example with mutual authentication, follow these steps.
Building the Mutual Authentication Example
To compile the application files and copy them to the correct directories, run the asant build task. More information on what happens when the build task is called can be found in Building the Service.
1. If you haven't already done so, follow these steps for setting up the example.
o Using SSL
o Building the Examples
2. Go to the /j2eetutorial14/examples/security/mutualauth/ directory.
3. Build the JAX-RPC service by entering the following at the terminal window or command prompt in the mutualauth/ directory (this and the following steps that use asant assume that you have the executable for asant in your path; if not, you will need to provide the fully qualified path to the asant executable):
asant build
4. Change to the directory /j2eetutorial14/examples/security/mutualauthclient/.
5. Build the JAX-RPC client by entering the following at the terminal window or command prompt:
asant build
Packaging the Mutual Authentication Example
You can package the mutual authentication example using asant or deploytool, or you can open the WAR file located in the /j2eetutorial14/examples/security/provided-wars/mutualauth.war file.
To package the example using asant, run the following command and then skip to the section titled Deploying the Mutual Authentication Example:
asant create-war
To package the example using deploytool, follow the steps described in Packaging and Deploying the Service with deploytool and Specifying the Endpoint Address. When following these steps, replace the following:
• The path to the example should be replaced with /j2eetutorial14/examples/security/mutualauth/.
• Replace helloservice with mutualauth throughout.
• Use /mutualauth-jaxrpc for the Context Root field.
Adding Client-Certificate Authentication Using deploytool
For HTTP client-certificate authentication, the application deployment descriptor, web.xml, includes the information on who is authorized to access the application, which URL patterns and HTTP methods are protected, and what type of user authentication method this application uses. This information is added to the deployment descriptor using deploytool, and its contents are discussed in more detail in Web-Tier Security and in the Java Servlet specification, which can be browsed or downloaded online at
1. If you packaged the example using deploytool, select the MutualAuth example in the deploytool tree. If you packaged the example using asant, you can ignore this section as these steps were completed by the asant task.
2. Select the Security tabbed pane.
3. Select Client Certificate in the User Authentication Method field.
4. Select Add Constraints to add a security constraint.
5. Select Add Collections to add a web resource collection.
6. Select the web resource collection from the list, and then select Edit Collections.
7. Select Add URL Pattern. Enter /hello in the text field. Click OK.
8. Select the HTTP GET and POST methods.
9. Click OK to close the Edit Contents dialog box.
10. Select CONFIDENTIAL under Network Security Requirement so that the application requires HTTP/SSL.
11. Select Save from the File menu to save these settings.
Deploying the Mutual Authentication Example
To deploy the example using asant, run the following command:
asant deploy-war
To deploy the application using deploytool, follow these steps:
1. Deploy the JAX-RPC service by selecting the MutualAuth example in the deploytool tree. Then select Tools Deploy.
2. Make sure the server is correct. By default, this will be localhost:4848.
3. Enter your admin user name and password.
4. Click OK.
5. Click the Close button after the messages indicating successful completion are finished.
Running the Mutual Authentication Example
Enter the following command from the mutualauthclient/ directory at the terminal window or command prompt to run the JAX-RPC client:
asant run
The client should display the following output:
Buildfile: build.xml

[java] keystore: /domains/domain1/config/
[java] keystorePassword: changeit
[java] trustStore: /domains/domain1/config/
[java] trustStorePassword: changeit
[java] Endpoint address = https://localhost:8181/

[java] Hello Duke (secure)



Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Sun Glassfish Installation

% java -version
The installation is very easy as the download file include all necessary files.
1. Download Glassfish into the directory the server should later run
2. Run:
% java -Xmx256m -jar filename.jar
This command will unbundle GlassFish and create a new directory structure rooted under a directory named 'glassfish'.
3. % cd glassfish
4. Set the execute permission for the Ant binaries that are included with the GlassFish bundle. If you have not the necessary permissions run the command as sudo (you have to put "sudo" before the command)
% chmod -R +x lib/ant/bin
% lib/ant/bin/ant -f setup.xml
5. start the server using the asadmin command. For that be maybe you first have to change the current directory to /glassfish/bin.
% asadmin Use "exit" to exit and "help" for online help.
6. next start the database simply needed to run
7. asadmin> start-database

7. and finally you can start the server...
asadmin> start-domain domain1 Starting Domain domain1, please wait.....
8. The server is now up and running. You can log into the web admin interface by the following url:
Login as Admin - userid="admin", password ="adminadmin"
./asadmin start-domain domain1

Changing Default GlassFish v3 Prelude Port Numbers 4848, 8080, and 8181

When you create courses, you sometimes do crazy things like installing multiple GlassFish domain administration servers (DAS) in a single host.

When you install GlassFish, it gives you default port numbers of of 4848 (for administration), 8080 (for the HTTP listener), and 8181 (for the HTTPS listener). But what do you do if you want to change them?

I got a few ideas googling "asadmin port number" and the like but couldn't really find a good example. So, I figured out how you do it and thought I would post an example in case anyone finds themselves in the same predicament as I did today.

Here are some examples that work in GlassFish v3 Prelude:

1.To change the HTTP port to 10080:

asadmin set server.http-service.http-listener.http-listener-1.port=10080

2.To change the HTTPS port to 10443:

asadmin set server.http-service.http-listener.http-listener-2.port=10443

3.To change the administration server port to 14848:

asadmin set server.http-service.http-listener.admin-listener.port=14848

It's handy to know you can grep for server properties in GlassFish v3 Prelude as follows:

asadmin get server | grep listener

shows all the properties with the text "listener" in them.

In GlassFish v3 Prelude, you can set port numbers for administration and the HTTP listener in the installer - but not for the HTTPS listener. You might find yourself needing to explicitly specify the administration port in your asadmin command. For example:

asadmin set --port 14848 server.http-service.http-listener.http-listener-2.port=10443

Glassfish path


REM set AS_JAVA=C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_04\jre/..
set AS_JAVA=C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.5.0_16